Najib Wants Holistic Approach To Deal With Road Safety Issue
Saturday, 29 May 2010 22:22 Last Updated on Monday, 09 August 2010 11:56
He said the new driving curriculum, to be introduced by the Road Transport Department (JPJ), should be able to create competent, law-abiding and prudent drivers.
"Each year, there are about 6,000 to 6,500 deaths on our roads. The losses incurred in terms of costs to repair damaged infrastructure due to accidents reach the figure of RM9 billion.
"There are also the costs borne by the government and families in treating accident victims, not to mention the cost in terms of emotional sufferings and so on," he said when opening the Malaysian Driving Institutes Association (PIMA) annual general meeting here on Saturday.
Najib said drivers should be equipped with sufficient skills and knowledge to instill good driving practices.
He also said that reckless driving and failure to abide by the law were among the main causes of accidents.
"These are accidents which we can actually avoid," Najib said.
Najib also said that enforcement of traffic law was still lacking.
"If the law is enforced more effectively, motorists would think twice about speeding or breaking traffic law. Driving institutes should also be effective in their roles as trainers as well as educators to nurture a generation of prudent drivers," he said.
Asked by reporters on the high number of accidents despite the numerous and costly road safety campaigns, Najib such campaign would continue to be held to inculcate good driving habits among motorists.
"What is important is effective enforcement of the law and good training for would-be drivers," he said.
Present were PIMA president Mat Aris Bakar and JPJ Director-General Datuk Solah Mat Hassan.
***Sumber maklumat dipetik daripada PIMA***